24 Hour Electrician - Professional & Prompt Service
24 Hour Electrician - Professional & Prompt Service
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18 Jul, 2021
Posted by Watts Next Electrical
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An electricians top 10 tips to saving on your electricity bill

Did you feel shocked when you opened your last electricity bill? You might have even thought, how on earth did I manage to use that much electricity? Well, you’re certainly not alone!

A combination of energy-wasting habits or outdated appliances can add up and result in an unexpectedly high bill. And more often than not, it’s a combination of both of these issues that’s responsible for the high cost. 

Thankfully, there are easy changes you can make to both your household electrical system and to your daily habits, which will help you limit your energy consumption. 

To help curb your electricity usage, we’ve listed an electrician’s top 10 tips to save on your next bill. 


1.Wash your clothes with cold water 

Heated water is by far the biggest money drainer when it comes to washing your clothes. Thankfully, it is also one of the easiest adjustments you can make and requires little sacrifice. Most washing machines come with the choice to wash in either cold or hot water. While hot water is fantastic for washing dishes as it removes bacteria, cold water can be just as effective when it comes to washing your clothes.


2. Switch off all appliances on standby 

While some people can’t help themselves but to reach out and flick the ‘off’ switch on a powerpoint when the appliance is not in use, others are sceptical as to whether this can actually help you save on your home electricity. Devices such as game consoles will have a light on which indicates they are on standby. If the appliance is faulty or outdated, it can use up power and drain your electricity quickly. As a general rule, if you need to turn the appliance on at the powerpoint to use it, turning it off when it’s not in use will help save you power and money!


3.Dry your clothes in the open air 

If you are looking to save on your electricity bill, try to limit your usage of any unnecessary appliances where possible. It might be tempting to pop those damp clothes in the drier quickly, however, the extra effort spent air-drying your clothes can be worthwhile in the long-term. Drying your clothes in the open air can help you shed at least $150 off your annual electricity bill. Plus, air-drying comes with the added bonus of being environmentally considerate and a great excuse to soak up some sunshine! 


4. Develop good habits and stick to them! 

An important step to reducing your electricity bill for the long-term is identifying ways you can carry out household functions more efficiently and then turning them into a habit. For example, simply practice flicking the light switch off when you leave a room or turning off powerpoints at the wall. In addition, having shorter showers in winter to limit your hot water usage can be a worthwhile sacrifice when your next bill arrives. When you start to incorporate electricity-saving habits into your daily life, they will eventually become second nature. 


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5.Opt for energy-efficient solutions 

When replacing or upgrading your household items, consider opting for the most energy-efficient option. For example, LED lighting solutions can increase your lighting energy efficiency by up to 80-90% and can end up saving you some serious coin. Replacing your halogen lights with LEDs may be more expensive initially, however, as they require less power to run over their lifespan, they will be the ultimate money-saver when bill time arrives. 


6. Avoid peak times  

While not always convenient, ‘steering away from the pack’ can help you cut down on your electricity costs. The cost of power during peak electricity times, for example between 4pm and 8pm, is higher due to high demand. Try to use your dishwasher, washing machine and hot water between 10pm and 7am. Although not always ideal, making changes to the times that you consume energy most frequently can help you get ahead before your next bill.

 * This is referred to as ‘Time of Use (TOU) metering’ and may not apply to your household. Contact your electricity retailer for further information regarding how you are being charged for your electricity usage.


7. Fill your fridge 

This one surely can’t be too much of an ask! Keeping your fridge regularly stocked will help you save electricity. This is because your fridge and freezer need to use large amounts of energy to replace the cold air that flows out. If your fridge is near empty, more air will be able to escape and therefore more energy will be used each time someone opens the door.


8. Ban the bar fridge

Did you know getting rid of the second fridge could save you up to $172 a year? While this may not be a good enough excuse for some homeowners to ban the bar fridge altogether, there are also small compromises you can make that will still help cut your electricity costs. Turning the second fridge off, then back on when you need to use it most can help you save on running costs. 


9. Try a candle-lit dinner 

There are definitely some creative ways you can save on your electricity costs, while also having some fun. Gather everyone who is at home for a candle-lit dinner once a week. You can even take this one step further by avoiding cooking or banning the television for the night. Actively minimising your electricity usage at least one night a week for a year will definitely pay off in terms of cost and it can be a great excuse to socialise with your family or housemates. 


10. Have an experienced electrician assess your usage 

The best way to identify exactly what is inflating your electricity bill is to call in a qualified electrician. They have the expertise to read the fine print, assess your electrical usage and make recommendations to help you improve your electrical efficiency. This may include upgrading your air-conditioning unit, powerpoints, switches or identifying whether you are being overcharged by your provider. An electrician can provide you with much-needed clarity and help get you on the right track to saving.

Are you ready for these small changes to help you make some big savings? Contact our team on (02) 8201 3903 for expert advice on cutting the cost of your home electricity. 

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